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54: World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, Blizzard Publishing, October 2020

53: Rise of the Horde & Lord of the Clans: The Illustrated Novels, Canterbury Classics, October 2020

52: Rerelease of A.D. 999 from WordFire Press, 2017

51: Assassin’s Creed: The Official Movie Novelization, December 2016

50: Assassin’s Creed: Heresy, November 2016

49: Warcraft: The Original Movie Novelization, June 7, 2016

48: Warcraft: Durotan (movie prequel), May 3, 2016

47: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Dark Disciple, July 2015

46: Assassin’s Creed: Unity—Abstergo Employee Handbook, November 2014

45: Cryptozoic: HEX—The Accidental Knight, November 2014

44: World of Warcraft: War Crimes, May 2014

43: Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag--Blackbeard: The Lost Journal, March 2014

42: StarCraft: Flashpoint, November 2012

41: World of Warcraft: Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War, August 2012

40: Fable: The Edge of the World, Del Rey, August 2012

39: World of Warcraft: Thrall—Twilight of the Aspects, Simon & Schuster, June 2011

38: Star Wars, Fate of the Jedi, Book 8: Ascension, Del Rey, August 2011

37: StarCraft: Devils’ Due, Simon & Schuster, April 2011)

36: World of Warcraft: The Shattering—Prelude to Cataclysm, Simon & Schuster, October 2010

35: Star Wars, Fate of the Jedi, Book 5: Allies, Del Rey, May 2010

34: World of Warcraft, Arthas: Rise of the Lich King, Simon & Schuster, April 2009

33: Star Wars, Fate of the Jedi, Book 2: Omen, Del Rey, June 2009

32: StarCraft--The Dark Templar Trilogy, Book Three: Twilight, Simon & Schuster, June 2009

31: Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal, with Aaron Rosenberg, Simon & Schuster, July 2008

30: StarCraft—The Dark Templar Trilogy, Book Two: Shadow Hunters, Simon & Schuster, November 2007

29: The Final Dance, Book 3: Under Sea’s Shadow, LUNA Books (E-book format) October 2007

28: StarCraft-The Dark Templar Trilogy, Book One: Firstborn, Simon & Schuster, May 2007

27: Warcraft: Rise of the Horde, Simon & Schuster, December 2006

26: The Final Dance, Book 2: In Stone’s Clasp, LUNA Books, September 2005

25: Star Trek Voyager: Spirit Walk Book 2: Enemy of my Enemy, Simon & Schuster, December 2003

24: Star Trek Voyager: Spirit Walk, Book 1: Old Wounds, Simon & Schuster, November 2003

23: The Final Dance, Book 1: On Fire’s Wings, LUNA Books, July 2003

22: Star Trek Voyager: The Farther Shore, Simon & Schuster, July 2003

21: Star Trek Voyager: Homecoming, Simon & Schuster, June 2003

20: Star Trek: The Last Roundup, Simon & Schuster, July 2002

19: Star Trek Voyager: No Man's Land, Simon & Schuster, 2001

18: Gateways: What Lay Beyond, Simon & Schuster, 2001

17: Warcraft: Lord of the Clans, Simon & Schuster, 2001

16: Star Trek Voyager: Endgame, with Diane Carey, Simon & Schuster, 2001

15: Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 3: Shadow of Heaven, Simon & Schuster, 2000

14: Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 2: Ghost Dance, Simon & Schuster, 2000

13: Star Trek Voyager: The Dark Matters Trilogy, Book 1: Cloak And Dagger Simon & Schuster, 2000

12: A.D. 999, Ace Books, December 1999, as Jadrien Bell (to be reprinted under my own name in 2016)

11: Star Trek The Next Generation: The First Virtue, with Michael Jan Friedman, Simon & Schuster August 1999

10: Invasion America: On The Run, Roc, November 1998

9: Star Trek Voyager: Seven of Nine, Simon & Schuster, September 1998

8: Invasion America, Roc, February 1998

7: Star Trek Voyager: Marooned, Simon & Schuster, December 1997

6: King's Man & Thief, Ace Books, May 1997

5: Instrument of Fate, Ace Books, April 1996

4: Star Trek Voyager: The Murdered Sun, Simon & Schuster, February 1996

3: The Enemy Within, TSR's Ravenloft series, March 1994

2: Dance of the Dead, TSR's Ravenloft series, July 1992

1: Vampire of the Mists, TSR's Ravenloft series, September 1991


"Elegy", Blizzard Entertainment, 2018

"Windrunners: Three Sisters", Blizzard Publishing, 2018

"The Bucket", Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View, Random House, 2017

"Promises to Keep", Halo: Fractures, Gallery Books, 2016

“A Warrior Made, part 2,” Warcraft: Legends, Volume 5, TokyoPop, September 2009

“A Warrior Made, part 1,” Warcraft: Legends, Volume 4, TokyoPop, June 2009

“I Got What Yule Need,” Warcraft: Legends, Volume 3, TokyoPop, March 2009

“Seduced,” Tales from the Captain’s Table, Simon & Schuster, June 2005

“Where’s the Religion in Willow’s Wicca?”, Seven Seasons of Buffy, BenBella Books, 2003

“The Sun Child,” Angel: The Longest Night, Simon & Schuster, 2002

“Hard Crash,” Star Trek S.C.E.: Have Tech, Will Travel, Simon & Schuster, 2001

"The White Doe," Tales of the Slayer, Simon & Schuster, 1999

"A Light in the Sky," Whitley Strieber's Aliens: An HWA Anthology, Simon & Schuster, December 1998

"A Night at Sandrine's," a Star Trek: Voyager short story, Amazing Stories, December 1998

"The Ultimate Weapon", Tales from Tethedril (edited by R. A. Salvatore) Del Rey, September 1998

"The Remaking of Millie McCoy," Urban Nightmares, Baen Books, November 1997

"Though Hell Should Bar the Way," with A.C. Crispin, Highwaymen: Robbers and Rogues, DAW Books, Inc., June 1997

"The Play's the Thing," Miskatonic, DAW Books, Inc., November 1996

"Stag Party," OtherWere, Ace Books, September 1996

"Summer Storms," Lammas Night, Baen Books, February, 1996

"The Quiet Place," Realms of Magic, TSR, December 1995

"Breathtaking Music," Blood Muse, Donald I. Fine, December 1995

"One Good Bite," 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories, Barnes & Noble, August 1995

"Witch Hunt" and "The Angel," 100 Wicked Little Witch Stories, Barnes & Noble, July 1995

"Blood Sport," Realms of Infamy, TSR, December 1994

"One Last Drink," Realms of Valor, TSR, February 1993

© 2020 Christie Golden

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